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Posts posted by capton

  1. 05 venture



    OK folks...here is what I'm going to do. The prize will be a $159.00 gift certificate from Motorcycle Gear ( previously New Enough). You can check them out by clicking on their banner when it comes up at the top of the page. Please note, their program has changed and VentureRider ONLY gets credit from them IF you enter their site by clicking on the banner above when making your purchases. :)


    Now for the contest. We all know that we share a common interest in motorcycle riding. That is the one thing that brings us all together here. What else do we know about each other though? Some of us know each other better than others due to eats and meets, local rides, etc. There are some that we know hardly nothing about though.


    So, to be entered in the drawing the for gift certificate, all you have to do is reply to this thread and tell us ONE MORE hobby that you enjoy in addition to motorcycling. It could be gardening, bee keeping, guitar or other instruments, auto racing....whatever but you have to list at least ONE other interest.


    That's all there is to this one folks. The contest will run until next Friday at midnight. That is Friday the 25th. First thing on Saturday morning I will randomly draw a winner from all who post to this thread with their hobby or interest.

  2. motels south end,colonial portageville,585 493 5700,river bend filmore 585 567 8629,west side park-lake perry 585 237 3654,north end country inn and suits 585 658 4080 $100&up,greenway 468 658 4500. I live in nunda if I can help call me 585 233 4049 kirk ps brian's is good place to eat 1/2 mi north on 36 from north end of park

  3. Kinzua dam rt59 north of warren, kinzua bridge at mount jewett lumber mu. across from denton ski slop, larry's motorcycle shop at galeton, wellsboro gas lights, grand canyon of the east. take 287 north to tioga ,hamond lake,eagles,287 south to morris rattle snake round up. But if you want to see it all in one place stop at letchworth state park in ny rt 19a to rt 36. high bridge ,3 water falls ,600ft deep gourge,dam, plan on a 1/2 day or more. If i can help call me 585 233 4049.:happy34:

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