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Posts posted by Tattoolimbo

  1. Hi, I've not had a chance to ride this 87 standard too much since buying it this spring. I rode a few times before checking my tire pressure and only then because slow turns gave me a feeling like the front tire wasnt true. The front was showing some cupping and when I checked it only had 15 pounds pressure. This week a close friend came to visit, we were riding a back road about 55 mph when I guess for the first time I let go of the handle bars with both hands and immediately got a sever front end wobble. With my friends help I was able to put it on the center stand and checked for any looseness and didnt find anything. It only does it when I let got the handle bars but its instant. I suspect the tire cupping is the cause but too poor to change it just because it has some cupping if thats not the issue. Im sure this has come up before but a searh didn't help me. What do you guys think.

  2. Bahahaha! Did he just say "really bang through the gears" in reference to Hardley?


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

    Yep that was me, don't get the fun of it but glad you enjoyed it. My foot doesn't like bending up to upshift. I have to lift my whole leg to shift up so going through the gears is much easier to push down while accelerating. I've ridden mostly harleys since the 70s, a few triumphs and a few yamahas. Just got the Venture this spring and still getting used to it. The mid controls arent at all for me. It hurts my legs and cramps my back so I'm going to buy or build some forward controls.

  3. I just saw this.I am getting a used and abused set in the mail soon that were on an xj750.When I get the fabricating going i can share the pics with you if you want.I have done this before,not on a big bike.I know some basic things to do first if you are interested.


    I am very interested in your progress, please share your process and show pics.

  4. Im looking also for a set for my 87. One guy had a set he had a buyer for at if I remember correctly $265, too rich for my broke ass but it looks like we may have to build our own. It's bad when your only response was someone asking what they are.

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