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Posts posted by coast_of_maine

  1. Forget the fingernails .... use a nylon putty spreader ... the kind you'd get for smearing bondo onto a vehicle.


    Also, you can use WD40 instead of goo-gone.


    12 volt aux plug ... many "nubes" don't know it exists ... it's inside fairing, left side, down a ways (almost hidden).


    Good grief! I just went out with a flashlight to see this! Yay! Now I can charge my phone.

  2. Took me a year to find out i had a clock on the bike. A friend asked me why i had stuck a cheap dollar store clock on the dash, when i had a clock on the bike already....:o


    Showed me how to get to it...Hold down the odometer reset button for 3 or 4 secs and you get the clock display.:bang head:


    Then there is the one on how to set cruise without the bike slowing down and then jerking to get the speed up again. I will let someone else explain this one. :beer:


    This just saved me from buying a handlebar clock this very minute.

  3. That is interesting. A while ago I was pressure washing the windshield and it seemed like something was coming off and I just kept going with it. After I was done it was crystal clear. I'll be I took the coating off and left the softer uncoated plastic to be scratched.


    I'll try the suggestions above and report back on this.


    Thanks all!


    if it is the stock wind screen, you are looking at a new one. they have a very thin film over them that peals off very easily, so polishing would be out of the question.


    I do wonder what would happen if you pealed the thin layer off completely. I pealed part of it up while applying a decal.

  4. Mine seems to have a high whine from the clutch. I wear ear plugs and it's fine, but I too would prefer to rid myself of this noise.


    Just bought my first Yamaha Midnight Venture (04 - 30,000 km) after selling my reliable but noisey (straight piped) Roadstar. I already regret the Venture after 2 day rides. The 2 things I wanted to improve were the noise and comfort levels. Now I'm deaf and on edge over whether the bike will "die" again on any trip, therefor negating any "comfort" I perceived this "touring" model would provide.


    There is an unbearable ear numbing high pitched whining from the engine make riding this bike completely un-enjoyable. I can't hear the radio over the whine and after 10 minutes, I'm all ready to sell the bike out of disappointment (and bleeding ears).


    I've read some of the forum replies provided here and must say that if it is a costly (and not guaranteed) fix, then I'll be selling this thing pdq.


    I was hoping to find a solution but it appears the Venture was a bad choice. I needed to vent. I'll be going back to a quiet cruiser if I can't get a reasonable explanation and fix after I visit the Yamaha dealership tomorrow.

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