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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2023 in all areas

  1. Hello Mr Freebird Sorry you caught that bug just wanted to say hang in there you might feel worse before it's over I've been sick 5 times since it started 4 of them tested positive and the fifth time I didn't bother getting tested I feel like I've done a prison sentence of all the time in quarantine get well soon
    1 point
  2. Hey Earl, I have been back in NC since 2014. And Scott, no, have a local 910 ac now, number is in my profile. My 91 bit the dust at 288,000 + and I wound up with a 2008 RSVS. I got it with 10K and now only have about 51K. Have not done a trip in ages ... I think that was VW 2 with the desert ...
    1 point
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