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If Flyinfool Controls the Snow...


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Who do I talk to about the temperature. Just so happen to need to flush my heater core today and we've got -1 for a high... :cold:


So whoever you are.... Show yourself!!!!:bang head:


I was gonna scold old Flyinfool for the snow too but It looks like everyone's beaten me to that!:doh:



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Another purdy picture.

I can take no responsibility for that bullet hole in the screen either.


All we know about the cold is that it is someone up in Canada that keeps leaving the back door open and letting all of the cold air fall out to the south.

We are not sure who it is yet. But we are narrowing it down. If we can get those Canadians to keep the everlovin door shut it would stay a lot warmer around here.

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I suppose I should have assumed it was because of those darned Canadians!:amen: Its like they were born in a barn! LOL I dont know though, seeing how much cowpuck loves moving snow I just thought you two were working in tandem!


Thats my rabbit getting hole by the way!:banana:

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Can't be blamed on the Canucks,,, we like it here, so we want to keep it,,,,,, it's just that something south of us keeps sucking it down that way,,,, and oh,,,, we get all our from Alaska I think,,,, and they want an arm and a leg for their kindness.

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Yep,, done met a bunch of those Canadian fellers,, none of which seemed to be cold blooded enough to actually blame sub zero temps on... That said, it is possible that the Skeee Moes are behind it, cant vouch for em cause I really dont know none,, never did even rub noses with one... That being said,, Tweeks, Tip and I may just have to actually take the tour we have talked about for the last couple years, head up yonder, across the Yukon and into Laska and see iffen we can get to the bottom of all this..

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