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  1. Just checking to see if there is enough interst in getting together to tune carbs. etc this fall in Borger. If there is enough interest, I will set something up.
  2. I had the pleasure of cleaning the carbs on my 83 last weekend and found that someone had already been into them before, removing the blind plugs to expose the idle mixture screws. The mixture screws were all at different settings. I had one a 2 turns out, another at 2 3/4 turns, another at 3 truns, and the last one at 4 turns out. I'm betting someone has been messing with these in the bikes history and at least a couple of these are no longer at the factory setting. Now for my real question. Given that 2 -2.5 turns is suppose to be the magic number on the idle mixture screws, and the fact that these have already been messed with and I cannot return them to their orignal settings. What are your thoughts moving forward? I'm thinking set them all to 2.25 turns and then try to tune each one individually using max vacuum readings like I do on a car. Any other ideas on how to properly tune each carb?
  3. I've been working on the carbs and they seem to be coming to life. I was going to see if anyone local had a carb tune or similar synching tool, but figure I will need it again after I change my diaphragms later on down the road. The diaphragms are good but original so they will do for now. Thanks, Ray.
  4. This isn't a Trans Am Forum but there seems to be vast knowledge on this site. Since I bought my 91 Trans Am with a 305 Tune Port - it is hard to start after it sits for two days. If I pump the gas some it will eventually start - once it starts it seems good. Then - about two weeks ago it started to act like the fuel filter was plugged. So I replaced the filter and the MAT sensor. Seems to run better but still runs like it has bad gas. At a stop sign - I drop it into first (it is an auto) and drive it hard through the gears and it runs great. Any ideas?
  5. When should a carb tune be done? (after how many miles) or do you wait till something doesn't seem right? Is there a set schedule to do this?
  6. Just got back last night after a 6 day, 2000 mile trip from ATL to PA and back, with lots of stops in between, and while the '99 RSV ran great with no mechanical issues, my MPG's were awful. The best I got was 32 on straight stretches of highway riding at an average speed of 72mph. The best overall mileage I got on combined highway/local roads was 35. Either my carbs are way out of whack, or the 10% ethanol is really killing my performance. All other maintenance areas were addressed before the trip, including all fluids and filters. And since the fuel injected Ultras I was riding with all got 42+mpg's on ethanol gas, I'm guessing I need a carb tune to determine if this is the problem. Any north GA area members that have a carb tune kit, I'd love to hook up with you!
  7. It's a great sunday here in central NY.Wife's working all day and it's raining Guess I'll tune the carb's again. ain't nothin else to do.
  8. Anybody know where I can get a tune up in South Florida? I only know of one Yamaha shop down here and I'm not sure they know how to work on a Venture.
  9. Here's some pics of the carb tune going on down at Beer30 and Beer 24/7's shop on friday. The young fella is Jason (bluerstd08) he's easy to spot, since he's younger then the rest of the guys. Had fun and you can see Becky (beer24/7) was busy working while we were there. Margaret
  10. My bike fires up every time (rarely any clutch) and idles right away at 1,000 RPM, when cold. As it warms up the idle will slowly go up to 1,500 where it will then idle there. It is obviously too fast and downshifting doesn't seem to slow the bike down enough. My question is will a carb tune clear this issue up or am I looking at a bigger problem? If I recall I set the idle before doing the tune, so should I set it when the bike is fully warmed up, then do the tune and then set the idle again? Thanks for any input.
  11. http://www.shoutcast.com/Internet-Radio/oldfartradio Dusty is online today.....yall tune in! I'll be in the chatroom too. .
  12. Hi Everyone New to the Venture scene, been on Harleys for years and wore the last one out and decided to upgrade to something different. Bought a recovered bike, that was in Dallas, flew down and picked it up on a Thursday afternoon and was home in Corbett OR Sunday night. 2500+ miles and my back side didn't hurt when I got home, marvelous! Worse problem was keeping a radio station in tune. 2 things I'm in need of the left side motor guard, and the windshield cowling, this is a 2004. Is there a good place to look for salvaged parts or to buy new at a discount? (besides Ebay) Latr Chris
  13. the rear tire off the bike. in another thread i posted about finding the rear tire flat and finding a pop rivet in the middle of the tread. i have to wait until next week before i can order a tire, so in the mean time i could do a carb tune, but i don't want to put the tire on & then off again when the new treads come in. Has anyone done this or should i just wait. dale in La
  14. During Vogel I used Stevew's carb tune to do a carb sync. When I hooked up the carb tune I found that my #2 cylinder was showing no pressure whatsoever. I was able to sync the remaning three cylinders. Now I'm faced with figuring out why I have no intake pressure on the #2 cylinder. Does anyone have any ideas what to look for?
  15. This is something I've been dealing with ever since I took my 99 RSV into the dealer a few years ago to have them fix my carbs because gas was pouring out of my overflow tube on the left side. They fixed that problem, but ever since my gas mileage has been on the low 30's. Black Owl and I have carb tuned it and last year at Pork in the Pines I used the color tune to check the fuel air mixtures. The fuel air mix appeared to be ok with a nice blue flame in each cylinder. But I've had all winter and spring to get up the courage and start adjusting the mixture on each carb. So I started by turning each mixture screw in 1/4 turn then running a few tanks of gas to see if things improved. After the second time there was a little mpg increase to about 36mpg (up from 34) and the nasty gas smell was gone. So I tried a third time. Mileage went down a bit and the gas smell came back. By this time I had turned each screw in 3/4's of a turn total. I had read on these forums somewhere that you should start with the mixture screws at 2 1/2 turns out if say you were rebuilding your carbs and needed to start at a base line. So last night I carefully turned each screw all the way in while counting the turns and reset each one to 2.5 turns out. Here are the counts for each carb as I turned the mixture screws all the way in. carb #1 3+ turns in carb #2 3+ turns in carb #3 2 3/4 turns in carb #4 2 1/2 turns in This after I had already turned each in by 3/4 turns over the past month. Questions: 1. Were those mixture screws out way too far? 2. Did I do the right thing by adjusting them all to 2.5 turns out? It runs pretty good today. I have not ridden far enough to see if MPG changed. 3. Is there a better tool besides the colour tune to determine air fuel mixture? It is pretty subjective as to the correct color shade of the blue flame. If not, I may beg to borrow a colour tune again. 4. I know I should re-sync the carbs after all this. Black Owl, you got the time to help? 5. is there anything else I should check? ============================== Update I should have mentioned the plugs are good. I replaced them last fall. Only about 4k on them. The headers heat up evenly, I already thought of that. I should buy stock in seafoam as I use so much of it. (1 can about ever other month) I don't have a tach, but I did buy a meter that is supposed to measure RPM with a clamp over the #1 plug wire. 1000RPM?? Really that high? When I pulled the old plugs last fall at Pork in the Pines, they looked good. Nice tan color to them. No clue on the AIS. I bought this bike used a few years back. No popping on deceleration anymore. There used to be popping before I took it in for repair a few years ago. HOWEVER, I had amazing Howitzer like backfire almost on command during deceleration until I started adjusting the mixture screws. Update (again): I have K&N air filters and I take care of them routinely.
  16. Does anyone know who will tune an antenna in the Columbus, Ohio area? Thanks
  17. Want to make a long trip this weekend and would like to have my carbs tuned. Anyone in the York/Lancaster/Harrisburg area have a carb tune and willing to help me out? Shoot me a PM thanks, Ken
  18. With all that Muffin Man was doing with the carb tune and color tune we decided to change out the plugs on my bike too. I guess once every 60,000 miles whether they need it or not. Old Hippy was able to find me a couple plugs in town, but I was short two plugs still. Hippy went around and found you at the carb tune tent with a couple extra plugs. You graciously let me have them, THANK YOU, but I forgot your name and I need to pay you! So either reply here or with a PM and I'll get you a check out ASAP! Thanks again, unknown donor, true VentureRider spirit!
  19. Any Chicago area members with a carb tune kit who would be willing to tune my carbs so I can learn how to.
  20. Well, got my carb tune pro in and did it today for the first time. Followed the instructions listed in the thread on here and it was a breeze other than locating the adjustment screws. 1 & 2 were synched as well as 3 & 4, but 3 & 4 were out of synch with 1 & 2. Got it all adjusted and man, this bike is quick. Really hoping that the mileage improves as that was the main motivation for wanting to tune them. Last time I checked, I was getting right around 30 mpg. We'll see. Thanks for all the great info located here.
  21. Guest

    Tune Up Question.

    I wanted to ask the sage and wise members of this web site what I should ask for in a tune up for my 2006 Venture? I will have the dealer perform this task for me. While in the shop since I have factory tires still on the bike what would be the suggested brand and size recommended? Thanks in advance for all the information you can provide. Sincerly, Mark:hurts:
  22. I don't have a carb tune or colour tune "tool" but I am guessing that in my case just looking at my carbs while the bike is running I should be able to sync my carbs a little better than what they are now... Bike starts and runs great,, however she runs really really rich... So bad that the fumes of gas are unreal at various different times (decelerating, idling, etc..). On a weekend ride to NY State I averaged just 200 km's (120 miles) per tank full..!!!! Its cheaper for me to drive my car.... I feel that they are just so out of whack that I should be able to make some sort of improvement. So any opinions from you experts would be greatly appreciated as to whether it is worth my time to sync these carbs just by looking at them while running the bike, or should I wait and get them tuned properly.. ..:confused07:
  23. Has anyone seen my brand new used twice carb tune and storage bag and special screw driver. I have seem to have lost it and have a couple of bikes I need to use it on. PS How the heck is everybody ?
  24. Had this link sent to me from my father, thought I'd pass it along to a group of people I knew would appreciate it. This one hits it right on the head. Oz [ame= ] [/ame]
  25. Any one in SE Texas or a half days ride of Houston have a Carb Tune set, that wouldn`t mind helping me Sync my carbs... I don`t know of any slealers that I would truxt to do this... Thanks for any help K
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