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Talk about a WAYYYYYY cool Gun Auction with tons of WAYYYYY cool old school shooters!


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You rootin tootin lead tossin lop eared shootin varmint VR club memberin brothers (and sisters) of mine GOTTA check this out... They got Blunderbuss's and EVERYTHING:guitarist 2:


American history unfolds right before our eyes!! Hey @Condor,, I know you will LOVE this!!



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Dang!! That's almost in my back yard... Perused the first couple of pages of listings, and will keep at it until I find the Colt black powder SAA stuff. I'm a sucker for the old late 1800's style sidearms. And....they can be shipped to my door. One of the last few pleasures of living a california and gun collecting.... :-) Thanks Puc...

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Thanks Puc, I will never get that time back and at my age I can't afford time lost.:backinmyday: But I fell in love with the pre-war Colt Police Positive and may bid on it later. I have one in nickel plating that was my father's. Sooo much neat stuff.:happy65::happy65::happy65:




You are more than welcome Sly,, I figured you of all shooters would not be able to get away from that auction :stirthepot::rasberry::banana:.. :scratchchin:,, I am the same way when it comes to bikes and shooters :beer:.. Short of making another trip to Gettysburg to spend HOURS pawing around in those little museum like shops out there, that Auction is an amazing reminder of our :usa: outstanding countries history and the part that shooters played in our ancestor's ability to bring freedom to the land of the free.

All the BEST in aquiring that pre-war Police Positive you are looking at/for my brother!!

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Dang!! That's almost in my back yard... Perused the first couple of pages of listings, and will keep at it until I find the Colt black powder SAA stuff. I'm a sucker for the old late 1800's style sidearms. And....they can be shipped to my door. One of the last few pleasures of living a california and gun collecting.... :-) Thanks Puc...


YOU are welcome @Condor, always a pleasure returning the favor of posting up these auctions like you do at times!! From one shooter to another = ENJOY!!!

If you win one I would LOVE to see :photographing:'s,,, ton's and ton's of :photographing:'s!! :photographing:'s = the gift that keeps on giving :big-grin-emoticon:

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Well I did finally find the Black Powder Colt stuff.... Way more than i can afford.. :mo money: I was hoping that they'd also have some Italian copies.. more my price range, but sadly nada..


So as long as we are on gun auctions here's another that's happening right now.. https://auctions.thegunrunner.com/ I've purchased a number of rifles and such from them over the years. Lately I've been chasing black powder and this month's auction has a few. Even newer Colt reproductions... They do this every month and post 50 guns a day starting on the 7th and usually end up with 400-500 for the month. The first 50 are generally the pricey lots. Things get better after a couple of days... :-)

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Thanks Puc, I will never get that time back and at my age I can't afford time lost.:backinmyday: But I fell in love with the pre-war Colt Police Positive and may bid on it later. I have one in nickel plating that was my father's. Sooo much neat stuff.:happy65::happy65::happy65:




Like this @Sylvester? My dad was a Cop when I was just a little lop eared varmint, mid 50's up into the 60's and he carried a Smith 38 Revolver. I still have his Smith n Wesson cuff's and his holster but the shooter was department issued and I am sure it got turned back in,, would have LOVED to have it though. He used to take me shooting "wad cutters" (a Dad teaching his youngen to shoot - WOW times were different) - precious memories. I also remember him having to use these little half moon clips that went around the ejector lip of the ammo. Not really sure now what that was all about - any clue?

Anyway,, is this what you are refering to Sly? : https://www.gunbroker.com/item/797562978


Not a bike for sale, not my auction and nothing to do with me soooooo :rasberry::rasberry::rasberry: MarCarl the mighty moderator!!:rotf:

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I also remember him having to use these little half moon clips that went around the ejector lip of the ammo. Not really sure now what that was all about - any clue?

Anyway,, is this what you are refering to Sly? : https://www.gunbroker.com/item/797562978


Not a bike for sale, not my auction and nothing to do with me soooooo :rasberry::rasberry::rasberry: MarCarl the mighty moderator!!


Those were half moon clips that took 3 rounds and linked them for speed loading. Generally the back of the cylinder had to be machined to take them. For really speedy loading full moons strung all six round together and were sorta a snap fit from the outer edge. I have a bunch for my 686-7 plus pro series (7 rounds). They came with the gun when I bought it from a competition shooter...



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Those were half moon clips that took 3 rounds and linked them for speed loading. Generally the back of the cylinder had to be machined to take them. For really speedy loading full moons strung all six round together and were sorta a snap fit from the outer edge. I have a bunch for my 686-7 plus pro series (7 rounds). They came with the gun when I bought it from a competition shooter...


https://www.venturerider.org/forum/image/jpeg;base64,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 VgRnOCMHtj6VSbWmvn6vWnOl538azwbcraWr2c05aONONXlbOF5nfoP6UZste0m n8m0voZJM4Cg/N9O/tXmGkXoadIZJOJZGVXIzgL1BJq4sdrZ6kJ7NQsUcmIySSwGdudRHWa S0vwrfbV/HqtMTXC1nE9vFMOToG36V2Bya6IlwzHuFvSz3pE4ps96lBU1PzphzoImkakRtUTQRPpTEZqWKiaCPpUCKnTHlQczSpzSoLQ9akDTU/IUA3XLO11NIrG 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You know I think you are spot on with this Jack,, I also recall he had some really cool black leather pouches on his patrol belt that contained a stack of ammo with those puppies all linked up like you suggest. He also carried a sawed off shotgun in his patrol car that he kept at home, it was a pump action 12 that when you racked it, the slide came out of the rear of the receiver and if you didnt have your wrist in the right location and you racked it, that slide would peel the hide off your hand above your right thumb like an easy peel Tangilo Orange = this I learned from experience. He also carried a true blue leather "thumber" that was lead filled. As I recall, he called it his "zapper", no idea if that was what that relatively short (about 8 inches in length if memory serves) thing was called but with the leather covered lead snapping end easily "flippable" for snap action it was a fun thing for a growing boy to play with when his LEO father was sawing logs:680: from working nights..

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He also carried a sawed off shotgun in his patrol car that he kept at home, it was a pump action 12 that when you racked it, the slide came out of the rear of the receiver and if you didnt have your wrist in the right location and you racked it, that slide would peel the hide off your hand above your right thumb like an easy peel Tangilo Orange = this I learned from experience. He also carried a true blue leather "thumber" that was lead filled. As I recall, he called it his "zapper", no idea if that was what that relatively short (about 8 inches in length if memory .


That shot gun was a Winchester Model 97, and it was probably a riot model, not sawed off. We used to call them knuckle busters, and actually very popular 'cause you could keep a round in the chamber and use the hammer safety. With the hammerless types you had to rack one before firing. I think the 'zapper' was actually called a 'Sap' ? because of the sound it made when making contact, but then again it may be a Zapper.... Hmmmm?? :scratchchin: :think: Properly placed behind the ear was when it was most effective... Now they use Tazer's.. Stun by remote control.... :-)

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So - here is a question. Are guns just a mechanical tool, like a hammer, or are they something else? I have plenty of guns, but I think of them as a tool and don't consider them to be collectible. I guess that I just prefer to regard my guns to be useable tools. None of them are collectible but they all can shoot just fine. I guess that my desire to own antique tools and guns is zero.


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So - here is a question. Are guns just a mechanical tool, like a hammer, or are they something else? I have plenty of guns, but I think of them as a tool and don't consider them to be collectible. I guess that I just prefer to regard my guns to be useable tools. None of them are collectible but they all can shoot just fine. I guess that my desire to own antique tools and guns is zero.



I think its just a simple matter of personal choice/opinion and tastes.. One mans junk is another mans treasure so to speak. Matter of fact, I have a really good friend who even collects actual old tools and indeed, some of those puppies are worth a fortune and highly collectable!!

Personally, I am with you though Zag,, I like my guns cause for what they are = SHOOTERS!:thumbsup:


Speaking of shootin, check this out, the mag loader for my AR15 22lr conversion came in = pretty cool tool brother (vid shows how it works)!! DSCN8039.JPGDSCN8038.JPG


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I have shot guns and hunted since I was a teenager. I was a range officer and instructor while in the Army. I shot high power rifle at the US national matches for several years, and was a range official for Georga State Games several years. I'm a gun collector and amateur historian.


About 1980 or so, I was reading a gun publication and it had a lengthy article on the Mauser broomhandle pistol and I be came interested in it. I'd never been to a gunshow before, but a fellow hunter told me about a gunshow that weekend that was right on the way back home from the hunting cabin we rented. I stopped at the gun show and found a Mauser broomhandle that was in fair condition (shooter grade) but the seller wanted more money for it than I thought it was worth having just read about the pistol. I tried to bargain the broomhandle's seller down in price but he wouldn't budge, finally saying that there was another gun at the show he wanted and needed that money to buy what he wanted. So, he said, "I'll throw in this other pistol at that price". The 'other' pistol was an Austrian Steyr Hahn pistol in an unusual caliber 9x23 Steyr-Hahn. I said that I'd think about it and walked around the gun show a while. I'd been skiiing in Austria the previous winter so had that link on my mind. I'd never heard of the Steyr-Hahn pistol before. I found some of the 9x23 ammo for the gun at the gun show, and decided to go back and get the 2-fer deal pistols. A couple of weeks later I went hunting to another spot I used to hunt before leasing the cabin, and as I was driving to the spot saw a sign at a fire station about there being a gunshow that weekend. So when I took a lunch break from hunting, I stopped by that gun show. There was another one of the steyr-hahn pistols there in almost new condition at a very nice price.... so I bought it.


Now I had 2 of them. This was pre-internet, none of my gun books had any info on Steyr pistols, so I began a quest to learn about that gun. Eventually I found some articles on the Steyr-Hahn pistols. I had already become somewhat interested in Austrian history as a result of my ski trips there and visits to a couple museums. Well, within the year I found that I owned 5 of the Steyr-hahn pistols and had become a regular at the local gun-shows. I obtained a Federal Firearms Curio and Relics license so I could travel out of state and purchase 'collectible' guns.


I had become hooked on the history of the Steyr pistols and Austrian militaria. I was (and still am) a member of several large collector clubs. Over the years I've contributed to several publications about firearms (in my very narrow field of interest). I've had a web page about the steyr pistols since the introduction of the internet (early 90's).


here's my web page



I write all this in response to the question about why some people collect guns.

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I have shot guns and hunted since I was a teenager. I was a range officer and instructor while in the Army. I shot high power rifle at the US national matches for several years, and was a range official for Georga State Games several years. I'm a gun collector and amateur historian.


About 1980 or so, I was reading a gun publication and it had a lengthy article on the Mauser broomhandle pistol and I be came interested in it. I'd never been to a gunshow before, but a fellow hunter told me about a gunshow that weekend that was right on the way back home from the hunting cabin we rented. I stopped at the gun show and found a Mauser broomhandle that was in fair condition (shooter grade) but the seller wanted more money for it than I thought it was worth having just read about the pistol. I tried to bargain the broomhandle's seller down in price but he wouldn't budge, finally saying that there was another gun at the show he wanted and needed that money to buy what he wanted. So, he said, "I'll throw in this other pistol at that price". The 'other' pistol was an Austrian Steyr Hahn pistol in an unusual caliber 9x23 Steyr-Hahn. I said that I'd think about it and walked around the gun show a while. I'd been skiiing in Austria the previous winter so had that link on my mind. I'd never heard of the Steyr-Hahn pistol before. I found some of the 9x23 ammo for the gun at the gun show, and decided to go back and get the 2-fer deal pistols. A couple of weeks later I went hunting to another spot I used to hunt before leasing the cabin, and as I was driving to the spot saw a sign at a fire station about there being a gunshow that weekend. So when I took a lunch break from hunting, I stopped by that gun show. There was another one of the steyr-hahn pistols there in almost new condition at a very nice price.... so I bought it.


Now I had 2 of them. This was pre-internet, none of my gun books had any info on Steyr pistols, so I began a quest to learn about that gun. Eventually I found some articles on the Steyr-Hahn pistols. I had already become somewhat interested in Austrian history as a result of my ski trips there and visits to a couple museums. Well, within the year I found that I owned 5 of the Steyr-hahn pistols and had become a regular at the local gun-shows. I obtained a Federal Firearms Curio and Relics license so I could travel out of state and purchase 'collectible' guns.


I had become hooked on the history of the Steyr pistols and Austrian militaria. I was (and still am) a member of several large collector clubs. Over the years I've contributed to several publications about firearms (in my very narrow field of interest). I've had a web page about the steyr pistols since the introduction of the internet (early 90's).


here's my web page



I write all this in response to the question about why some people collect guns.


That story is nothing short of AMAZING @RandyR,, I am struck with :scared: and stand in :bowdown: and :clap2: the entirety of it brother = THANK YOU for taking the time to chime in here!! I also wanna thank you for your service to the good ol :usa: in our effort to stay free = THANK YOU!!:happy34:

Your website is flat out awesome and looking great too!! Got a really good thing going there, all the very best in its continued growth! :beer:

On a side note, a maybe of interest to and something else that others in the club may be able to relate to. My very first "real" motorcycle (at least in the mind of an extremely young Puc) was a "Sear's, shift on the handlebar by rotating the clutch handle on its perch, 2 speed, 2 stroke moped". I was a young back yard mechanic back then with very little cash so I did all my own work on that thing. I will never forget the first time I had to locate parts for it and was very well pleased to find out that the local Sears store could obtain ANY part I ever needed just by ordering it - even though the bike was a '59.

I also remember being amazed that the little data plate on the lower right hand side of it's frame upright where the serial number was, was clearly stamped with the manufacturer name. Guess what my 1st bike REALLY was,, it was DEFINITELY NOT a Sears machine,, it was a Steyr Daimler Puch and, as those beautiful collectable shooters of yours, was also clearly and proudly stamped = Made In Austria:banana::thumbsup: Pretty cool eh!!

By the way,, I still have the frame for that puppy in my basement and have since picked up a later model (the red one) of the same machine (very complete) that I have planned to, some day, combine the two and get my first scoot back on the road again.. Yeah,,, right :missingtooth:



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